Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Today I listened in on a conference call set up to help families understand the current situation in Ethiopia. Apparently, there have been delays with families getting court appointments and embassy dates for travel caused by some corruption within the Ethiopian adoption process. Unfortunately, with anything good...comes bad. When greedy people see a good thing happening, they immediately want a part of it and cause havoc. There have been suspicious activities with some of the adoption agencies and orphanages within Ethiopia as it relates to unorthodox adoptions. People trying to make a quick buck by finding children meeting certain criteria that are not abandoned or orphaned and getting them 'into the system'. There have also been reported cases of parents selling their children to certain orphanges...which for a family in despair and desparate to support themselves is a very enticing proposition. I want to clarify that this is a very small part of the entire adoption process in Ethiopia and that Bethany Christian Services is not a part of the investigation, however one bad apple causes the entire system to go into gridlock.

I know for us, a family that is awaiting the day that we are presented with a referral of a child, the waiting is very difficult. However, as I listened to the other families today asking questions, I realized that most of them already had referrals and were waiting for their court date or embassy date for travel. I quickly realized how hard it must be for them...already knowing who their child is...seeing photos of them...perhaps already meeting them...and then hear about possible delays. Knowing that you have already prepared a place in your heart and home for this child, only to receive reports and photos of your child's development...of your child growing up thousands of miles away. At the ages of most of these children, a couple of months makes a big difference. The difference between crawling and walking; the difference between making noises and talking; the difference between bonding with a nanny or their forever family. I can't imagine the disheartenment that they must be going through.

Please be in prayer for this entire situation. Specifically for the Ethiopian adoption process and the investigation to conclude and the timing of the court dates and embassy dates to improve. For the families that have received referrals and are waiting to travel to Ethiopia to either meet their child or bring them home. For the children that are in the orphanages that they continue to receive good care and are safe. And for us...that we will remain faithful to our commitment and know that God is in control and His will be done.