Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Jeremiah Ashen Sutliff

Today is our anniversary...we have been married 15 years! They have been 15 awesome years, and we can't wait to see what the next 15 hold. In comparison, it's been just over a month since we received our referral and already it seems as if our son has grown significantly. We recently received some 4 month pictures and he is as adorable as ever! He has grown a little and has the cutest smile and most gorgeous eyes. It is so hard to look at Jeremiah (yes, we have chosen a name! ~ Jeremiah Ashen), but to have never held him; To see his bright eyes, but never watched him sleep; To see his chubby cheeks, but never kissed on them. As our anticipation builds, our love for him also builds.

We are still waiting to hear that we have been submitted to court and then we will have to wait for a court date. Unfortunately, the courts in Ethiopia close in August and September. Therefore, the earliest that we will have a court date is October...but, we are more realistically looking at November. From there we will have to wait another 1-3 months until we can actually bring him home. As much as we would love to have him home by Christmas, it is becoming more apparent that it will be after the first of the year.

One milestone produces another hurdle. We pray for him daily...that his care givers will love him, take care of him, and protect him. We pray that all of the legal matters go smoothly and there are not any delays with court. Most of all we praise God for all of our blessings and are honored to play a small role in His plans.